Hannah Success Story

Anxiety Success Story

Hannah, Vancouver - 2021
I have always suffered from an overwhelming feeling of panic as a young child. Since a teenager, I have had on and off spells of panic attacks. This developed and attached to fear of certain foods, a fear of flying and even down to using lifts in buildings. The fear of being trapped or going into anaphylactic shock started to control my daily life. I was an hourly pulse checker, death felt like it was around every corner & my body was in a constant state of fear, even if my mind felt ok. 

Penny's sessions have stimulated and reconnected my mind-body connection. It’s re-wired a stagnant route that my brain would automatically go to. A repeat of the same narrative that felt like it was the first time every time. 

Penny was incredible. The MBR treatment has given me the tools to navigate a different route in my mind, I’m no longer in fight or flight mode. If you connect with any of the above, I would highly recommend Penny and the MBR treatment. It’s massively impacted my life and I finally feel reconnected with my inner self.
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